Monday 9 August 2010

wishful thinking,

Thinking about lots and lots recently, like, how i don't want these holidays to end. i mean i haven't had the BEST holidays on record, as i've had no money, but they've been fun i supose. My days haven't really consisted of much, i've been going to sleep at like 6am and not waking up till 3pm. I've eaten so many take'aways i've put on about 5stone. I still haven't started my job, so i'm pretty jealous of bethany&cloeh for having $$$ and getting paid, whilst i'm poor, but i'll have $$ soon. These holiday's haven't even consisted of many nights out, drunken nights etc. but it's still so much better than being in college...

Exam results 19th august. 'LOL'. I never use that word but honestly there is no other words to describe what they are going to show. It's going to be pretty sad. i've got ten days to wait to be dissapointed. I hope i pass, although that is 'wishful thinking' -i need a new ipod you see, and urm yeah, thats the only way i'm getting a new one, mama doesn't know yet, but she'll have to 'praise' me. i'm so scared...

My 'new' bedroom. tbhonest my mums taking ages, but shes getting things 'sorted' before she starts anymore work on the house. i supose when the cellars all mineminemine, it'll be 'mazing much? ..i get far to excited with trips to ikea and B&Q, hello new paint. s'gona be lovely. but just how long's it going to take...

How SAD its going to be when bez moves to l'pool for college. going to misss her freakish ways, chippy after college, taking 'sneak' days off. but i'ma be visiting her all the time, on the train lalala, but i might start driving a brum :d..hello moving in with her;♥♥♥

bigbrother. okay so i'm not like some bigbrother fanatic. i've not watched all of them &tbhonest i prefer celeb bigbrother to the normal one. its alot better but doesn't last as long. but hey. bigbrother why couldn't you have stuck it out one more year for me, so i could atleast apply. i'm one big fat loooooser for wanting to go in, but i would actually LOVE it.
i prefered last years with halfwitt &shree as they were totally hilairous. this years been pretty wankkkkk. part from jedwardddd in the house mmmmmxxxxxxxxxx.
pretty much all the funny people walked, like shabby, caoimhe. haahhha. but i do have love for johnjames,&jj, i'm like iya sexy.
i so wish i was in the house. yumyumyum. last bigbrother 'ever' though. apparently anyway.
i hope they bring it back lalalala i would la'huff that lotssss...

holiday. take me on fucking holiday like right now. the weathers shet & i'm bored 24s. needneedneed something to do. kfankzbabye.
summmmmmmmm'ah oh'ten <-lol. in a nutshelllllll.
 my nights have consisted of staying awake until this channel finishes :|.
mm slumber party at lee'annes. no' alcohol, sweets,juice,takeaway nom.
hi bez, i lost this flower, so i'm buying her a new one. our single night out this summer so far.
they must be the beautiful'est kittys i've seen in agesxxxxxxx
this picture was taken at twenty to three. if dance fails, she can be a hair'dresser. looking rather like the girl on starwars ;).
mm jayjay bigbrother. b e a u ttttttty *dribbles.
iya sam pepper you big gay. you annoy me, but i love you alot stilll.
benny you posh moose. i wish you was still in bigbrother, aaaah.
oh my hello you austraillian beauty. ah. i love you alot. 
cocktails with bez mm blue hawaiian, pink fizz, sex on the beach, pink fizz bum'yo.
i'm so pukkkkka. it was a hothot day this day. hense the bikini.
this is such an un'attractive picture. but i love it haaaaaahah!
cocktails in font yeaaaa'mon.
 world cup day. mm a donalds with freak.
sunny day.england playing.remedy.
 i like really hate this picture. but idk cause its all parta summer eh?
bethany took this. it looks like one kitty. hello bella&charl'eeh.
action picture. i have far too much love for this girl&this picture.
i look overly chubby. hiya skittle vodka.
ant powder around the bbq.
oh hi guys.
hi opus.